JAKARTA - The Supreme Court (MA) in a cassation decision reduced Rizieq Shihab's sentence in the UMMI case. Rizieq Shihab in the cassation decision was sentenced to 2 years in prison from the previous decision which was upheld at the appeal level, namely 4 years in prison.

In its decision, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal from Cassation Petitioner I/General Prosecutor at the East Jakarta District Attorney. The cassation judge also rejected the petition for cassation by the Petitioner for Cassation Il/Defendant Moh Rizieq Bin Husein Syihab alias Habib Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

“Improved the Decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court Number 210/Pid.Sus/2021/PT DKI dated August 30, 2021 which amended the Decision of the East Jakarta District Court Number 225/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Jkt. Tmr dated June 24, 2021 regarding the sentence imposed on the Defendant to a prison sentence of 2 (two) years," reads an excerpt from the Supreme Court's cassation decision quoted by VOI, Monday, November 15.

Previously, the Jakarta High Court (PT) panel of judges upheld the first-degree verdict for the defendant Rizieq Shihab in the case of the swab results of the Bogor UMMI Hospital. So, Rizieq was still sentenced to four years in prison.

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