JAKARTA - The head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said that the Mobile Brigade Corps (Brimob) is the life shield of its employees when carrying out their duties in the field.

Brimob members, he continued, often experience various risks while doing their jobs. However, they never took a step back and always accompanied the KPK in carrying out their duties.

"Brimob is a living shield, the front guard that protects all KPK personnel when carrying out their duties in handling various corruption cases which cannot be denied having a big risk for the safety of the body and soul of the officials to eradicate corruption," said Firli in a written statement, Monday, November 15.

Not only protecting, Brimob members also often help KPK employees convince those who often hinder the process of handling corruption cases. Although there are parties who claim to know or do know the police officers, Brimob has never backed down.

In fact, when asked to let go of escorts by certain parties, said Firli, Brimob members did not immediately do so and did not even take a step back.

"Never once have I heard of Brimob members taking a step back, let alone disbanding when dealing with people who claim to or do know the National Police officers, or other 'big people' in this republic, when they are asked to release their guard against KPK personnel who are in charge of uncovering corrupt practices," he insisted.

"There are not a few reports from KPK personnel in the field about how solid, firm and tough Brimob members are when they become 'living shields' for KPK members, especially those in the field," added the former Deputy for KPK Enforcement.

With this courage, Firli then appreciated Brimob which on Sunday, November 14th commemorated the 76th Bhakti Day.

"This is a form of Brimob's professionalism as a protector, protector, and public servant, where the extraordinary firmness, courage and sincerity in carrying out and carrying out their duties wherever they are placed, are deeply felt by the community, including the KPK," he concluded.

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