JAKARTA - The candidate for mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, admitted that he is ready to fight against anyone in the 2020 Solo Pilwalkot. This was conveyed after holding a closed meeting with the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri.
"The point is, whoever my opponent is I am ready to fight," Gibran told reporters at Megawati's residence, Jalan Teuku Umar, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, August 5.
Meanwhile, when asked about the purpose of his visit to Megawati's place, Gibran admitted that he only stopped after visiting his nephews, namely Kahiyang Ayu and Bobby Nasution's newborn children at YPK Mandiri Hospital, Menteng, Central Jakarta, as well as bringing gifts for Megawati.
However, he did not deny that there were a number of messages conveyed by the party chairman bearing the bull symbol.
"A lot (message, red) but the point is that we didn't talk lightly for a long time. Incidentally, the hospital is near here, so stop by briefly," he said.
At the same location, Chairman of the Solo Branch Leadership Council (DPC) FX Hadi Rudyatmo also emphasized that his party was ready to win Gibran and his partner in the 2020 Pilwalkot Solo, Teguh Prakosa. Hadi accompanies Gibran to Megawati's house.
"This is not arrogance. No. But because I, as a party cadre who obeys the party's instructions, must win. Even though there are independent candidates, like other parties, the important thing is to work to win the December 9 competition tomorrow," he said.
Furthermore, regarding the winning strategy at the Pilwalkot, Hadi was reluctant to answer further. It's just that, he said that even though there will be an online campaign, Gibran will still go to the people of Solo City even though the COVID-19 pandemic is still not over.
"He still walks down the road, yes. Health protocols are also implemented. Blusukan continue," he concluded.
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