JAKARTA - Celebrating Heroes' Day, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, attended a celebration ceremony with President Joko Widodo at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, Jakarta. But not only commemorating the services of the nation's heroes, the resting place is also special for Puan because her father, Taufiq Kiemas, is also buried there.

After the ceremony was over, Puan took the time to go to the grave of Taufiq, whom she repeatedly referred to as an admired figure, an idol, and even a hero from her childhood. Puan's eyes look sad, even though her father passed away more than 8 years ago. This sense of loss struck again when Puan stood beside the tomb.

Wrapped in a black veil, Puan seemed to be sitting solemnly reading prayers and reciting the holy verses of the Koran. After that, he sprinkled flowers on his father's grave. The lady left without saying much and returned to work.

The figure of the father

For a Puan Maharani, political blood flowed freely from her grandfather, Bung Karno, to her mother, Megawati Soekarnoputri. However, it was Taufiq Kiemas's advice that was able to awaken Puan's political blood.

The figure of Taufiq Kiemas for the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, is not only recorded as a father, but also a great inspiration in his political career. Puan once stated that Taufik had a big role in making him want to enter politics.

According to Puan, she has learned a lot about the struggle for the people from her life. He also admitted that it was the skills of Taufiq Kiemas and Megawati Soekarnoputri that shaped his character as a politician.

In the past, Taufiq once advised Puan to fight from within the system. So that he can help the community more. Puan saw that in order to make significant changes, she inevitably had to enter the government structure.

"Mr. Taufiq said, There is no theory, it can only be felt when you are united with all the people who will work together with you to win or lose in a struggle," said Puan, telling her father's message. These words became the beginning of his courage to start a career as a politician.

Di pusara ayah tercinta Puan Maharani menaburkan bunga. (Foto Ist)
At the tomb of her beloved father, Puan Maharani, sprinkled flowers. (Ist Photo)

So it is not wrong that Taufiq's departure is an event of great loss for Mrs. He lost his father figure as well as his mentor in politics. “A loss not only for him as a husband to Megawati, and a father to us. But we also feel that we have lost a teacher, mentor, and political role model in our struggle as well as our guide in life,” said Puan at Taufiq Kiemas haul some time ago.

Father's Political Career

Taufiq Kiemas is a figure who is poor across the Indonesian political scene. The deceased occupied the chair of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia in 2009-2014. Puan maharani's father has Palembang-Minangkabau blood and has the title Datuk Basa Batuah from his family.

During his lifetime, Taufiq held the position as the fifth Indonesian Father when Megawati Soekarnoputri reached the highest leadership position in Indonesia, namely the 5th President. He and Megawati fought to strengthen the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. He was also the chairman of the PDI-P Advisory Council.

Taufiq once issued a biography on his 70th birthday entitled The National Movement That Never Ends. The book tells the life journey of Taufiq Kiemas since childhood, his political struggles, until he became chairman of the MPR.

Taufiq died on 8 June 2013, after battling heart disease and being treated in Singapore. His body was buried in the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery. Taufiq is also known as the father of the four pillars of the MPR, the pillars being Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Commemorating the Service of Heroes

Her family background, as well as the inspiration for her father's political struggle, made Puan Maharani grow up as a person who highly values history and respects the services of heroes.

Puan Maharani meanjatkan doa untuk mendiang ayah tercinta. (Foto Ist)
Puan Maharani said a prayer for her late beloved father. (Ist Photo)

No wonder indeed, because his grandfather was a proclaimer whose services were certainly very great for the nation. Therefore, in her short speech at the celebration of Heroes' Day, Puan invited all Indonesian people to remember the services of the heroes who died for the sake of the nation's independence.

"Let us remember the services of the heroes who have dedicated their lives to the independence and welfare of the Indonesian nation. Without them, we cannot be like today as a country that has freedom," said Puan in the Commemoration of Heroes' Day, Wednesday, November 10.

He also said that Indonesia now needs many heroes of the era of progress. Puan said that the heroes of the era of progress were those who fought not only for their own interests.

“Now Indonesia needs more and more today's heroes, heroes of the era of progress. Modern heroes who do not carry sharpened bamboo, but are armed with Indonesian national values and produce works that are worldwide," said Puan Maharani.

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