JAKARTA - The increasing intensity of rain has caused flooding in East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan to continue to expand, inundating 22 villages spread across eight sub-districts. "Our reports and monitoring results show that there is an increase in flooding in several locations. "As of 18.00 WIB, the report compiled by BPBD stated that the flood had spread to eight sub-districts, namely Tualan Hulu, Mentaya Hulu, Cempaga. Hulu, Kota Besi, Parenggean, Mentawa Baru Ketapang, Baamang and Cempaga. The latest reports of flood conditions are from Mentaya Hulu and Kota Besi Districts.

Floods have inundated 22 villages and affected 576 families. The flood that has occurred since Tuesday, November 9, has submerged dozens of houses, as well as two school buildings. The worst flooding occurred in Cempaga Hulu District, which hit nine villages. It was recorded that 277 families were affected by flooding in the sub-district.

The two villages worst hit by floods in Cempaga Hulu sub-district are Tumbang Koling and Sudan. The water level even reaches one to two meters above the local village road, thus making community activities very disrupted. BPBD continues to coordinate with sub-district and village governments to continue to monitor the development of this flood. Community safety is a priority in handling in the field. Sub-district and village governments are also asked to immediately submit official data on the condition of residents who are victims of flooding. This data is very much needed as material for policy making, including if it is necessary to distribute aid. It is feared that it will continue to spread because the intensity of rain is still high. As in Sampit City which includes Mentawa Baru Ketapang and Baamang sub-districts, heavy rains occurred several times on Sunday afternoon to evening.

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