JAKARTA - Spokesman for the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman said his party had given a warning to member of Commission I DPR RI Fadli Zon. This was done after Fadli satirized President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) via his Twitter account @fadlizon on Saturday, November 13 yesterday.

"He (Fadli Zon) has been given a warning and we also apologize if the statement causes inconvenience," Habiburokhman said in a written statement to reporters, Sunday, November 14.

Not only that, he also mentioned that the tweet asking when President Jokowi would come to Sintang, West Kalimantan to review the flood was not the attitude of the party or the Gerindra Party faction. Habiburokhman said the satire was Fadli's personal attitude.

"Regarding Pak Fadli Zon's tweet about Sintang, we need to straighten it out if the statement does not represent a faction or party," he said.

Even so, Habiburokhman emphasized that this kind of reprimand is normal if a cadre makes an inaccurate statement. He even admitted that he often received a warning if he spoke inappropriately as a party spokesman.

"As Gerindra cadres, it is normal for us to be reprimanded if there is an inaccurate statement. I myself as a party spokesman are often reprimanded as well as other DPR members," said Habiburokhman.

As previously reported, Fadli Zon, who is a member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, also sits as Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, insinuating President Jokowi who inaugurated the Mandalika Circuit in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province. The reason was that at that time, the Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan was being hit by floods.

Fadli conveyed this through his Twitter account, @fadlizon. Fadli asked when Jokowi would visit Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan.

"It's amazing, sir. Congratulations on the inauguration of the Mandalika Circuit. When are you going to Sintang, the flood has not subsided for 3 weeks," Fadli tweeted, quoted on Saturday, November 13.

In response to this, PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said Jokowi had instructed Social Minister Tri Rismaharini to provide assistance to flood-affected residents in West Kalimantan.

"Bu Risma as Minister of Social Affairs has also received direct directions from President Jokowi and immediately moved, down to help the people in West Kalimantan. For days in West Kalimantan," said Hasto in his statement.

Hasto also quipped Fadli Zon. He considered that the member of Commission I of the DPR RI had not done anything to help residents who were being hit by a disaster. "Lazarus, the chairman of the PDI-P DPD and at the same time the chairman of Commission V of the DPR RI, has been directly involved in helping the people. Meanwhile, Mr. Fadli Zon has only given criticism without any concrete actions," said the former member of the DPR RI.

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