JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited and gave direct attention to the Brimob Police personnel who were shot or fell ill while carrying out their duties to maintain security and order in Indonesia.

Sigit's visit is a form of concern for members who have given service and loyalty to the State, Nation and Indonesian people. This also coincided with the momentum of the 76th Anniversary of the Brimob Police Corps on November 14.

At least three Brimob Polri personnel were visited by the National Police Chief. First, Brigadier Keny Carlos from the Papua Satbrimobda who was treated at the Police Hospital, because he suffered a gunshot wound to his stomach, while on duty to pursue KKB in Papua in the Task Force Gakkum Ops Nemangkawi.

On that occasion, Sigit asked about the current condition after receiving treatment by a team of doctors. Sigit also received a report that the soldier's condition was much better.

"It's much better, isn't it?" asked Sigit in his statement, Sunday, November 14.

"Ready, now you can walk, General?" Keny answered.

Not only that, Sigit along with Bhayangkari General Chair Juliati Sigit Prabowo, also took the time to meet directly the wife and child of the six-month-old Police Mobile Brigade soldier.

At that moment, the wife thanked Sigit because her husband had been given very good care. So, the situation is gradually recovering at this time.

"The first time here, it's like not in a hospital, like in a hotel. It's very good," said Keny's wife to Sigit.

Not to forget, Sigit also encouraged Keny to recover quickly and return to duty in order to maintain security in Indonesia.

"The important thing is to get well quickly, and keep the spirit," said the former Banten Police Chief.

In addition, Sigit will also visit First Brigadier Lutfi Maulana of the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters, who suffered a gunshot wound to his left leg. He is currently undergoing treatment at the Central Army Hospital (RSPAD).

Then, the former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police will make a video call with the wife of Bharatu Simon Nitipia Mako of the Police Mobile Brigade Corps, as well as the Nemangkawi Task Force personnel who are unconscious due to the hepatitis disease he is suffering from. Mimika Police Chief AKBP IGG Era Adhinata will also accompany him to explain the condition of the Brimob personnel being treated at the Timika Hospital.

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