JAKARTA - The Aceh Provincial Government received a shipment of 200,280 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the Central Government.

"We hope that this additional vaccine can help efforts to establish herd immunity," said Head of the Aceh Health Service, Hanif, as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He explained that with the addition of these stocks, efforts to accelerate the formation of group immunity in the local province could be achieved immediately.

Hanif said that out of a total of 23 regencies/cities, there will be four regions that will receive the largest additional supply of vaccine stocks, namely Aceh Tamiang with 13,000 doses, Bireuen with 10,000 doses, North Aceh with 10,000 doses and Southeast Aceh with 10,000 doses.

"An additional 200,280 doses of vaccine to Aceh are based on the very high increase in the number of people being vaccinated in Aceh," he said.

He detailed that for the first dose, the additional number of people vaccinated until November 11, 2021 reached 13,581 people, the second dose increased by 8,481 people and the third dose increased by 283 people.

He said from the three levels of doses, the number of vaccines that had been used in one day reached 22,345 doses.

Meanwhile, the supply of additional doses the previous week was only 50,000 doses.

"Last week's additional stock of 50,000 doses of vaccine has been used up within three days, therefore the central government has sent 200,280 vaccines back to Aceh," he said.

Kadinkes added that the implementation of this vaccination is divided into five groups, namely health workers, the elderly, public service officers, vulnerable people and the general public and youth groups.

Of these five groups, the realization of dose I vaccination was above 100 percent, namely the health worker group which reached 114.2 percent, as well as dose II which had reached 101.5 percent and dose III only reached 50.4 percent.

Meanwhile, for the elderly is still very low. The first dose has only been realized by 13.2 percent, the second dose by 6 percent. Meanwhile for public officers/servants, the realization of vaccination has not yet reached 85 percent.

For vulnerable groups and the general public, the realization of the vaccine is also still low. The new dose I was 29.5 percent of the target of 2,577,792 people, the second dose was 13.7 percent.

Hanif explained, for this vulnerable and general group of people, the realization of vaccination continues. In this week, the daily increase in vaccination was quite large, reaching 11,615 doses/day for dose I and dose II reaching 4,489 doses more.

For youth groups, namely high school, vocational, MA, Dayah, Islamic boarding schools and students, the realization of the vaccine is also still low.

The new dose I was 31.7 percent of the target of 577,015 people, and the second dose was 15.2 percent.

Hanif added that the increase in vaccines from the youth group was also low, for the first dose it was around 218 people/day and the second dose reached 2,415 people. Of these five groups, vaccination activities need to be continuously improved and encouraged for the vulnerable and the general public, as well as the youth and the elderly.

“Both of these groups, their mobility is quite high. If a third wave of transmission appears before the new year of 2022, these three groups are very vulnerable to receiving transmission, therefore, high school, vocational, MA, dayah, Islamic boarding schools, universities and gampongs whose vaccination percentages are still low, please suggest a mass vaccination program again in schools and villages,” said Hanif.

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