YOGYAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Haedar Nasir said Indonesia still had to struggle to advance the nation's health in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Indonesia still has to fight hard to promote the health of all citizens of the nation," said Haedar in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, November 12.

According to him, developing a national health system that is strong and can improve people's health is a strategic agenda, especially to overcome crucial problems in the health sector in this country.

"Especially at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is increasingly adding to the burden on the world of health, which requires simultaneous efforts to overcome and end it," said Haedar.

Therefore, in the framework of National Health Day, he invites all components of the nation to jointly raise the health movement.

Haedar said that due to the efforts of the government and all components of the nation, the transmission of the corona virus began to slow down so that Indonesia was among those that succeeded in suppressing the number of COVID-19 more than other countries.

However, according to Haedar, the pandemic is still not over and he asks all parties to remain vigilant by overseeing all efforts to overcome it.

The state and citizens of the nation, he said, also need to give appreciation to health workers and volunteers who have the spirit of heroes in dealing with the pandemic.

"They are on the front line as well as the last bastion against the deadly COVID-19. Likewise with the efforts of all parties who are working together in overcoming the pandemic which has become a major disaster for the Indonesian people and the citizens of the world," said Haedar.

Muhammadiyah, he said, includes community and religious organizations that have been at the forefront of efforts to overcome the pandemic since the beginning of this outbreak in this country.

"All components of Muhammadiyah, through the MCCC, Aisyiyah, autonomous organizations, assemblies and institutions, business charities and all citizens take a real role in dealing with this serious disaster, including in providing religious guidance and worship during the pandemic and efforts to overcome its effects," said Haedar.

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