JAKARTA - The Golkar Party admits that it is ready to accommodate Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo to run in the 2024 presidential election if the PDI-P is not given a place. Ganjar is said to be able to accompany General Chairman Airlangga Hartarto as a vice presidential candidate.

Political observer Dedi Kurnia Syah assessed that the Golkar Party is trying to encourage the electability of the party and its presidential candidates through issues that are thrown to the public.

"I think on the one hand the Golkar party will certainly try to create a commotion so that the public will focus on the Golkar party and also Airlangga Hartarto. And that's not wrong in political propaganda, it's legal," said Dedi to VOI, Friday, November 12.

However, according to him, PDIP is a solid party, so is Golkar. Because, said Dedi, these two parties have a fairly strong structure and loyalty. This, according to Dedi, could hinder Ganjar's support for moving to Golkar.

"Then with a very dominant voting position, namely having a presidential candidate ticket in 2024, that makes PDIP feel calmer and not in a hurry to determine who will become a presidential candidate," he explained.

Moreover, continued Dedi, PDIP has its own AD/ART which determines the presidential candidate is the general chairman. This means, he said, it was not a majority vote in the internal party and it could be that many in PDIP supported Ganjar.

"But if the president says that Puan Mahatani is still going, Puan Maharani will come forward," said Dedi.

"Interestingly, no matter how disappointed PDIP is in the middle of the road, for example the Ganjar group is not accommodated for choosing Puan, but if the party vote says that Puan must be supported, I think the majority of PDIP will support the party's stance," he continued.

The IPO director explained that the survey also showed that the majority of Ganjar's votes were PDIP votes. This means that if Ganjar is interested in Golkar's offer to join or just become a vice presidential candidate, then it is very unlikely that Ganjar will be able to attract PDIP votes even in Central Java.

"Because PDIP voters are loyal to political parties. It's the same as why President Jokowi was elected, because of the fact that the dominance of PDIP voters is not Jokowi's voters. Although it cannot be denied that there are personal voters, Ganjar is not the majority," explained Dedi.

Let's just say that if Golkar is serious, for Dedi the question then is whether the coalition parties agree to carry Ganjar or not.

"If Ganjar can't get a place in PDIP, that's the narrative, then will the joint Golkar coalition agree or not? Meanwhile, Golkar has a chance to withdraw the coalition," he said.

"If PDIP-Gerindra become one, Golkar will automatically have to look for a middle group, the tendency is the party group that may be dominated by PKB, PAN. PKB has its own figure Muhaimin Iskandar, then PKB has a bigger vote, plus PAN and small parties that are not in Parliament so it is not yet Of course they are willing to appoint Ganjar. Because the PDIP cadre is difficult for the party to accept, if he doesn't confirm as a cadre," said Dedi Kurnia Syah.

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