LEBAK - The Banten National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) on the fifth day of its search, has yet to find a tourist from Bekasi, West Java who was lost in the waves on Ciantir Beach, Sawarna waters area, Lebak Regency, Banten.

"We are doing our best to search and help Zikri (21), a tourist from Bekasi," said Banten Basarnas Public Relations Officer Wahyu, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 11.

Basarnas Banten together with a joint team involving the Police, TNI, BPBD Lebak, beach volunteers, fishermen, and local residents evacuated tourists from Bekasi since the first day until now they have not been found.

Most likely Zikri was swept away by the waves, so he had drifted away to the middle of the sea. Because, the evacuation experience for other tourists if dragged by the waves, usually the second day can be found.

"We and other joint teams deployed evacuation forces on land on foot to explore Ciantir Beach, and rescue boats and fishing boats conducted sweeps around the coast," he explained.

According to him, the search for tourists from Bekasi will be stopped within one week if they are not found.

Currently, the joint evacuation team has maximally conducted a search for Zikri, a resident of Bekasi.

In fact, Banten Basarnas officers and other volunteers have not been able to return home.

"We can quickly go home if the victims of the marine accident are found immediately," he said.

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