JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Amiruddin said that the parents of activist Veronica Koman are still traumatized and worried about the terror explosion that occurred in front of her house on Jalan U, Jelambar Baru Gropet, West Jakarta.

To avoid further terror, Komnas HAM will immediately coordinate with the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

"Later, I will communicate with LPSK because they have the means and authority. What kind of protection program will this be, that is the task of LPSK," said Amiruddin when contacted by VOI, Thursday, November 11.

Amiruddin said that yesterday his party visited Veronica's parents' house to give them encouragement. Komnas HAM showed empathy for the terrorist explosion incident.

"Yesterday, the goal was to give encouragement to Vero's parents, because he was very traumatized and worried. He felt anxious, because such terror could harm him," he said.

Komnas HAM also promised to continue to monitor the progress of the investigation carried out by the National Police.

"Komnas HAM will continue to monitor the investigation process carried out by the Polda Metro Jaya. The Chief of Police must come down to pay attention," he said.

Until now, the terror explosion case is still being handled by the West Jakarta Metro Police.

"Of course we have communicated with the police (Polrestro Jakbar), we have conveyed it. The Regional Police are still investigating, there are many things they must collect. We will wait for the investigation and the police investigation, hopefully it will be fast," he said.

As is known, Veronica Koman's parents have twice been terrorized by unknown people. The first terror occurred on October 24, where the terror was in the form of a package hanging on the fence of Veronica's parents' house. The package then caught fire. The second terror occurred on Sunday 7 November, in the form of an object suspected of containing a bomb and exploding.

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