JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Jusuf Kalla (JK) asked mosque administrators to use Muslim houses of worship as temporary shelters for disaster-affected communities.

Jusuf Kalla said this in response to natural disasters in a number of areas in Indonesia.

"It has become a habit, but it's okay, we will allow it and we just have to manage it well," said JK at the DMI Building Tasyakuran and the 2021 DMI National Working Meeting at the DMI Head Office Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, 10 November.

The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia are concerned about the many natural disasters in Indonesia in recent times.

In the event of a natural disaster, said JK, people usually choose a mosque as a temporary residence.

The contribution of the mosque as a temporary shelter for residents affected by the disaster is part of the DMI program.

It has also been consolidated with all mosque administrators in the area, he added. DMI also coordinates with other religious community organizations (ormas) such as Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

"Mosques also have other functions such as protecting the community," he said.

Therefore, JK reminded the DMI management in the regions to prepare for natural disaster phenomena, including La Nina.

JK is also grateful that the awareness of Muslims in worship is quite high, marked by the rapidly growing number of mosques. Currently, the number of mosques in Indonesia is more than 800,000 and spread in many places, such as office areas, shopping centers to transit areas.

"This amount is of course a great potential to maximize social activities, as well as a form of attention to benefit the community," said JK.

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