JAKARTA - The investigation into the iron theft case of the Jakarta - Bandung High Speed Rail project is still ongoing. The East Jakarta Metro Police immediately summoned PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) as one of the consortiums and contractors related to the iron theft case for the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project.

"We will summon them to carry out an investigation report for the losses suffered by the victim, in this case PT WIKA," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Erwin Kurniawan to reporters, Wednesday, November 10.

Until now, his party is still waiting for an audit of PT WIKA's losses for the iron theft. In addition to waiting for the results of the audit from PT Wika, Erwin said, his party is also still pursuing a number of suspects who are still at large.

Currently, from a total of 12 perpetrators, 5 suspects have been detained by the police. While the rest goes to the People's Wanted List (DPO).

"We are trying to pursue the perpetrators who have not been caught and will dig up information to find out the role and find the motive and where the iron was sold," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding indications of insider involvement, his party has not been able to explain in detail because it is still in the process of being investigated.

"The insider in question may exist, it may not depend on the testimony of witnesses or other evidence or clues that indicate the person's involvement," he said.

Meanwhile, from the testimonies of the arrested suspects, the police will look for the whereabouts of the stolen iron collectors.

"The custodian has the initials D, he is still being chased," he said.

As is known, the East Jakarta Metro Police managed to uncover a case of theft of steel weighing 111 tons from the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project. From the disclosure, at least 5 suspects have been detained at the East Jakarta Police Headquarters.

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