JAKARTA - Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbud-Ristek) Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in Higher Education is reaping the pros and cons.

Member of Commission X DPR RI, My Esti Wijayanti who is in charge of education and cultural affairs, supports the regulation which was signed directly by the Minister of Education and Culture and Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim.

"Mendikbud-Ristek Nadiem Makarim's steps in issuing a Permendikbud-Ristek on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education should be appreciated," said My Esti, Wednesday, November 10.

This Permendikbud-Ristek reap the pros and cons because it is accused of legalizing adultery. Esti emphasized that the regulation should be seen as a quick step so that sexual violence that often appears on campus does not occur continuously.

"This is a quick step so that sexual violence that occurs in universities can be prevented early and can be handled as soon as possible if it occurs," he said.

Esti dismissed the rules made by Nadiem as an effort to legalize free sex. According to him, Permendikbud-Ristek 30/2021 should be seen as a spirit to prevent the rise of sexual violence in the campus environment.

"This Permendikbud-Ristek cannot be interpreted as a form of legalizing consensual sexual relations outside of marriage or legalizing LGBT," said Esti.

The legislator from the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) electoral district said that many victims of sexual violence on campus need legal protection. Permendikbud-Ristek 30/2021 is considered by Esti to be the answer considering that the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS) discussed in the DPR has not yet been completed.

"Currently, the TPKS Bill is being discussed at the Legislative Body of the DPR RI which of course requires time to be discussed and because it is still a bill, it cannot be implemented," he said.

Therefore, Esti encourages the pros and cons of Permendikbud-Ristek 30/2021 to end. Because this rule is more useful, especially for victims of sexual violence in the campus environment who have difficulty getting legal protection, including many whose education rights have been neglected in the aftermath of the cases of sexual violence they experienced.

"So this Permendikbud-Ristek should get support, not to be questioned and asked to be withdrawn," said Esti.

"Because the quick steps taken by Nadiem Makarim through Permendikbud-Ristek Number 30 of 2021 are of course based on studies and analysis of events that occur in the campus environment," he concluded.

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