TERTATE - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata, reminded all regional heads of governors and regents and mayors in North Maluku (Malut) to always maintain integrity and good name during and after serving.

"I want all regional heads in Indonesia to leave a good legacy. Not only to be remembered by the closest family but all the people they lead. Wow, in the era of regional head A, we prospered, development was just and peaceful, "Alexander said at the Eradication Meeting. Integrated Corruption in North Maluku Province, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

According to Alex, a good name and pride in maintaining integrity will last for generations.

On that occasion Alex also explained the corruption-prone points in each intervention area in the coordination and supervision program.

He conveyed that, when coordinating with Law Enforcement Officials (APH) in the regions, the cases that were handled the most were cases of village funds. According to him, this case is the easiest to find corruption irregularities.

"In addition to the lack of capacity of village heads in managing finances, community supervision is also weak. Therefore, we are working with village officials to oversee village funds," said Alex in front of regional heads, DPRD chairman, throughout North Maluku, PT PLN Board of Directors, Inspector General, Kakanwil and Kakantah of BPN throughout North Sumatra, as well as Forkompimda of North Maluku Province.

Thus, Alexander asked the regional heads in North Maluku to seriously increase the Monitoring Center for Prevention (MCP) score as an indicator of the achievement of corruption prevention efforts in their respective regions.

"The MCP score from 2018-2020 in the Malut Region has always been below the national average of 39 percent, 54 percent, and 58 percent. Meanwhile, for 2021 as of today it only reaches 27 percent where the top 3 achievements are the Morotai Island Regency Government. , South Halmahera Regency Government and Ternate City Government. I ask to continue to be improved until the end of the year, "he said.

In addition, he appreciated the cooperation and support that had been well established between the KPK and the Ministry of ATR/BPN, PT PLN and all local governments in the BMN/BMD asset control program for the North Maluku region during 2021. As of November 10, said Alex, there had been published as many as 711 certificates consist of 55 PLN land asset certificates and 656 regional government land asset certificates.

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