JAKARTA - Dozens of tombs are lined up neatly under a large duwet tree in the public cemetery of Tegal Sari Village, Blora Regency. One tomb looks different, the shape and tombstones are different, with striking Arabic inscriptions.

This is the tomb of Pocut Meurah Intan. She was a fighter from Aceh who was exiled to Blora to die there. Although known as a great warrior, Pocut was not buried in the hero's graveyard.

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo took the time to come for a pilgrimage to the Pocut Meurah Intan grave on, Tuesday 9 November. This moment is also a commemoration of Heroes' Day. Ganjar came with Siti Atikoh, to the tomb of the warrior named the Lioness.

When Ganjar arrived, a number of people were already there. There are dozens of students from various regions who are members of the Inter-Ethnic Archipelago Brotherhood (Intermediary), and a number of Acehnese in Central Java. Apparently, they had been there since noon to clean the tomb.

After praying together, led by local community leaders, Ganjar sprinkled flowers on the tomb. Continuing to chat with Pocut Meurah Intan's family, students, and the people of Aceh. To them, Ganjar offered to repair and build the tomb to make it better.

"If allowed, we will fix it. He is a great fighter. From the family of the Sultanate and against the Dutch until he was chased and exiled here," said Ganjar as quoted from the official website of the Central Java Provincial Government.

All agreed with the proposal. Even during the chat, the head of the Inter-Ethnic Archipelago Brotherhood, Muhammad Zulkifli, handed over a blue map to Ganjar. The map contains a proposal for awarding the title of national hero to Pocut Meurah Intan. The proposal was signed by the Intermediary with the Aceh Semarang Student Association and the Semarang Aceh Community Association.

"Here, sir, we propose that Pocut Meurah Intan get the title of national hero. We hope that Mr. Ganjar can help make that happen,” said Zulkifli.

Ganjar gladly accepted the proposal. He said he would coordinate with a number of parties regarding the submission of the title of national hero.

"Of course we will help because it is a form of our respect. Wherever you are, yes, this is Indonesia. We will submit it immediately," he said.

The plan for the construction of the tomb can be carried out as soon as possible because the family has agreed. Blora Regent Arif Rohman, who also accompanied him, agreed and would support the development.

"If necessary, it doesn't take long, if you want to start next week you can, next month it's okay too. We'll prepare it well," said Ganjar.

The chairman of the Aceh Semarang Student Association, Ahmad Jihan Muzaki, expressed his gratitude and appreciation because Ganjar had actually come to the grave of Pocut Meurah Intan. Ganjar kept his promise, wanted to clean up, and planned to build the tomb of the woman warrior from Aceh.

"We are very grateful to the Governor, for his visit and keeping his promise to invite us to clean the tomb, and will build this tomb. We hope it can be realized soon," he said.

He hopes that Ganjar will help so that Pocut Meurah Intan can get the title of national hero.

"We really hope that Mr. Ganjar can help us by coordinating with the Aceh Regional Government for the submission of the national hero," he concluded.

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