JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Miftachul Akhyar said the Itjima Ulama Fatwa Commission is an assembly of Islamic religious leaders who have the task of providing solutions for the nation in all aspects of life.

"So almost the entire life of the scholars is trying to provide solutions in addition to the conveniences of Islam, which requires an easy religion, a religion full of love," Miftachul said in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, November 9.

The 7th Fatwa Commission Ijtima Ulama will be held from 9 to 11 November 2021 at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta. This time, the assembly of scholars throughout Indonesia raised the title "Optimizing Fatwa for the Benefit of the Nation".

According to him, there is nothing in this world that is not related to sharia. The existence of ulama in various sectors of religious life is to provide solutions and conveniences.

Miftachul reminded that the task carried out by the ulama was very noble, as well as worrying. Because the safety of the world and the hereafter is in the hands of the scholars.

"If it's true what they did, the reward would be commensurate. But on the other hand, if there are goals behind it, it is very worrying. The makom fatwa, which will be discussed later, is almost parallel to ijtihad, there are only differences between general and special," he said.

The position of the fatwa, he said, was not binding. However, if this fatwa has been agreed upon by the leaders and holders of makom then it becomes an obligation

"The obligation is not from the fatwa itself, because the fatwa is not legal for the poetry, but the fatwa will be a binding provision in terms of amrun kharij (agreements that have been obtained)," he said.

Therefore, Miftachul hopes that this assembly can be carried out as well as possible by the scholars who have prepared and are capable of carrying out their responsibilities.

"Hopefully the implementation of Ijtima Ulama, the gathering of scholars will provide a solution. The result of the fatwa produced is a peaceful fatwa, this will be stronger and stronger," he said.

Previously, the Head of the MUI for Fatwa Asrorun Niam Sholeh explained that the Ijtima agenda would discuss various national strategic issues, contemporary fiqh issues, as well as legal and regulatory issues.

There are also sub-discussions such as the criteria for blasphemy, jihad and caliphate within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, election guides that are more beneficial, land distribution for equity and benefit, tax issues, and online loans.

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