YOGYAKARTA - Mount Merapi on the border of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java launched hot clouds of avalanches two kilometers to the southwest on Tuesday, November 9 at 18:17 WIB.

"Heat cloud avalanches were recorded on a seismogram with an amplitude of 35 mm and a duration of 180 seconds," said Head of the Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG) Hanik Humaida in a written statement from BPPTKG received in Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara.

BPPTKG also recorded 10 incandescent lava flows from the active volcano as far as 1,800 meters to the southwest during the observation period on Tuesday from 00.00 to 06.00 WIB.

Then, there was one sound of avalanches with an intensity below medium during the observation of Merapi at 06.00 to 12.00 WIB. Meanwhile, related to the rain that has been flushing the peak of Mount Merapi since 14.51 WIB with a total rainfall of 71 mm, Hanik also asked the public to be aware of the potential for rain lahars. along the river channel that originates from Merapi.

"People who are active in the river channel that originates at Merapi are to be aware of the dangers of lahars," he said.

Until now, the status of the volcanic activity of Mount Merapi is at level III or Alert.

The lava fall and hot clouds of Mount Merapi are expected to have an impact on the south-southwest sector, which includes the Yellow, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, and Putih rivers.

When an eruption occurs, the ejection of volcanic material from Mount Merapi is estimated to be able to reach an area within a radius of three kilometers from the top of the mountain.

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