SURABAYA - Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji monitors the water level at all sluice gates through Command Center 112 or public services regarding disaster emergency response at the Siola building, Surabaya City, East Java.

"Surya two enters the monitor, monitors the water level, reports it and takes the necessary action. Congratulations on your duty," said Armuji asking the water level at the Jambangan Sluice through a handy talky during a visit to Command Center 112, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 9

In addition, Armuji instructed the municipal government to monitor the water level at all sluice gates for 24 hours, considering that the rainy season has now entered.

"Immediately report and take action if it exceeds the threshold," he said.

In addition, Armuji said that cross-regional organization organizations (OPD) in the Surabaya City Government can be responsive if there are complaints from citizens. Some time ago, Armuji admitted that he had received short messages from residents who had difficulty contacting Call Center 112.

"I ask for a response time of no more than 15 minutes. Handle it as soon as possible because this is a mandate given to all of us," said Armuji while giving an appeal to Command Center 112 officers.

Armuji explained the presence of Command Center 112 as an integrated support for public complaints. This service will facilitate the citizens of Surabaya, especially in reporting various urgent events.

Apart from being related to COVID-19, some of these incidents include fires, fallen trees, finding bodies, collapsed houses, people committing suicide, accidents, crime, PMKS and ODGJ, reports of blackouts, PDAM reports, conditioning of wild animals, medical treatment, disasters and ambulance request.

All these reports were immediately responded to by eight OPDs working at the Command Center. The eight OPDs are the Public Works Department of Highways, the Green Open Space Cleaning Service (DKRTH), the Fire Service, Satpol PP, BPB Linmas, DP5A, the Transportation Service, and the Social Service.

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