JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) also responded to the polemic of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education, which was published on August 31.

In the Permendikbud, Research and Technology, there is the phrase "without the consent of the victim" which is considered to contain the meaning of sexual consent. The DPR also considers the Permendikbud, Research and Technology to have multiple interpretations.

The head of the MUI for Fatwa, Asrorun Niam Sholeh, emphasized that sexual relations without marriage are illegal. Because, it is against the prevailing norms even though it is done on a consensual basis.

"It can't be released. For example, about consensual sexual relations, but if he is not framed with a legal marriage, then consensual consent is not allowed. That's illegal status, so legalizing something illegal is an uncultured act," he said. Asrorun, Tuesday, November 9th.

But Asrorun assessed that the rules for preventing sexual violence were urgently needed. The reason is that rules are needed to prevent activities that demean human dignity.

"Therefore, all regulations must be designed within the framework of the noble purpose of education and there should not be any rules that degrade human dignity. So we need to avoid sexual crime activities, but what is the meaning of sexual crime and what is the mechanism for preventing it," explained Asrorun.

However, Asrorun reminded the importance of containing regulations, especially in the world of education in accordance with applicable norms.

"The education process is part of the process to create a cultured and civilized society. So all regulations must be designed within the framework of civilization and culture," said Asrorun.

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