SOLO - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka asked teachers who did not wear masks during face-to-face learning activities (PTM) at SDN Nusukan Barat 113, Banjarsari, Solo to take a swab test on the spot. Gibran also parked the official car with the AD 1 plate in the school yard.

"I just happened to be passing there. Ben was swab first, hopefully the results are negative," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 9.

Gibran's firm attitude was also shown by parking the official car in the school yard as a form of warning to teachers who were not disciplined in wearing masks.

"Earlier I found out the teacher was not wearing a mask," he said.

Regarding this, Gibran regretted the teacher's attitude. In addition to endangering students and other fellow teachers, considering that COVID-19 has not disappeared to date, the attitude of not wearing masks is also a bad example for students.

"This is for our improvement, the important thing is according to the SOP. The important thing is the teacher, if the teacher wears a mask, the students also wear it. If the teacher doesn't give an example, the students also drink," he said.

Meanwhile, when met at the school, the Head of SDN Nusukan Barat 113 Sri Suramtini was reluctant to give much information. He only briefly explained that he did not know when Gibran came to the school.

"I was at the meeting, the results (of the swab test) were all negative," he said.

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