JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya will install Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) cameras at 65 points around Jakarta. The goal is to monitor the actions of individuals who carry out illegal raids and illegal levies (extortion).

"Therefore, it is suspected that illegal raids and extortion are taking place in locations where it is difficult for officers to go there or there," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Gakkum, Ditlantas, Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Argo Wiyono to reporters, Tuesday, November 9.

Argo said, in the installation of the ETLE camera, his party had mapped out which locations were suitable. Some of them are Student Army Street and Kalimalang Street

"We mix up (locations) for which we don't have an ETLE network, but we want to modify it so that now, the police are looking for more locations, conducting raids, for example in overpass or in the direction of Student Army Street and Kalimalang Street," said Argo.

On the other hand, the determination of 65 points where ETLE cameras will be installed is based on the results of a coordination meeting with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov). Because, continued Argo, the procurement of cameras is the provincial government's authority.

"But the planning, budgeting, and auction processes are in the provincial government because we are grants in kind and have become part of the third stage of ETLE. So with the provincial government 65 points have been agreed," said Argo.

For information, one of the actions that will be taken by the Traffic Police is to ticket a truck but instead ask for a sack of onions in exchange for a fine.

In fact, the police action with the identity of Aipda PDH went viral after it was uploaded to social media by the Twitter account @Pasifisstate. Currently, Aipda PDH has been processed ethically by the Police. Because he was proven guilty.

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