SURABAYA - The health budget in the City of Surabaya, East Java, is allocated in the 2022 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBD) of Rp2.126 trillion or 23.32 percent.

"In the 2022 Surabaya RAPBD for health matters, the highest budget allocation is recorded at Rp.2.126 trillion," said Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 8.

According to him, the health budget allocation of 23.32 percent is in order to provide health services for the citizens of the city of Surabaya, the construction and rehabilitation of hospitals and health centers, as well as the provision of health insurance for the citizens of the city of Surabaya.

From the health budget, he continued, the Surabaya City Government will provide universal health insurance worth Rp. 389,742,510,455 to cover 1,045,749 people in Surabaya.

"We are targeting the achievement of health insurance in 2022 at 96.64 percent," he said.

He emphasized the commitment of the leadership of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi and Armuji to continue to improve access, quality and capacity of health services. This is to realize the vision of Surabaya 2021-2026, namely "Gotong Royong Towards Surabaya an advanced, humanist and sustainable world city".

The theme for the regional development of the City of Surabaya in 2022 is economic recovery and structural reforms.

"To carry out economic recovery, health matters are also a priority for the program," said Armuji.

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