KENDARI - The Kendari City COVID-19 Task Force, Southeast Sulawesi recorded an active case of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the local area remaining one after today there was one recovered case.

"Alhamdulillah, today as of November 8, 2021, there is only one active case of COVID-19, previously there were two, but one person has recovered," said Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force Kendari Algazali, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 8.

He said that one active case of COVID-19 in the city is currently remaining in West Kendari District and is self-isolating at home because he is in the category of asymptomatic people (OTG).

He also explained that the cumulative number of cases of corona virus infection in Kendari City since it spread in March 2019 to date has recorded a total of 7,719 cases with a total of 7,623 patients who have recovered, 95 patients who died.

The development of COVID-19 cases in the capital city of Southeast Sulawesi Province has started to ramp up and be controlled from October to November 2021.

Even so, Algazali reminded all parties to continue to adhere to health protocols, especially wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands, when carrying out daily productive activities.

"Always obey the health protocols, this is important so that we can get out of the COVID-19 pandemic and no more new positive cases will be added, and in order to prevent the third wave of COVID-19," he said.

The chairman of the Kendari City Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) also invited the public to take part in vaccinations promoted by the government as an effort to increase body immunity so that group resilience is formed in preventing infection with the new type of Corona virus and its variants.

"In an effort to fight COVID-19, let's make vaccination a success in Kendari City, don't be afraid to be vaccinated, together we fight COVID-19," said Algazali.

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