KARAWANG - Hundreds of houses and tens of hectares of rice fields in Karangligar Village, Karawang Regency, West Java, were flooded due to the overflowing of the Cibeet River.

"A total of 163 houses were flooded, consisting of 205 families with a population of 595 people," said the Karawang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Task Force Officer, Thursday, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 8.

He said that the flooding that submerged the area around Karangligar Village had occurred several days ago. The flood had receded but rose again due to the high intensity of rain last weekend.

The water level varies from 30 centimeters to 1 meter. Now the victims are still taking refuge in the Karangligar Village Government Office. In addition, there were also residents who fled to their relatives' homes.

Kaming said that in addition to submerging residential areas, the flood also submerged 29 hectares of rice fields and roads in the area.

For this incident, the Karawang BPBD on Monday distributed logistical assistance in the form of food and clothing for residents affected by the flood.

There was also assistance given as many as 40 boxes of mineral water and 40 boxes of instant noodles, and others.

The Head of BPBD Karawang Yasin Nasrudin said that residents who live in flood-prone areas are always vigilant. This is because the rainfall is expected to be high for some time to come.

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