PAPUA - The Sorong City Police, West Papua, has dispatched personnel to supervise the filling of fuel oil (BBM) at gas stations due to long queues.

The spread of people queuing has occurred since last Friday, November 5, after the issue of fuel shortages blew.

Sorong City Police Chief AKBP Ary Nyoto Setiawan said, after confirmation with Pertamina, it turned out that the fuel stock for this area was safe and there was no shortage.

In fact, every day the supply from the fuel terminal to the gas station runs smoothly and the fuel quota increases.

"There was a long line of vehicles at the gas station because the local people had panicked," he explained in Sorong, as reported by Antara, Monday, November 8.

Therefore, the Police Chief appealed to the local community not to panic because the fuel stock was safe and there was no shortage of information, as the information circulated.

The police chief ensures that every gas station will serve the community so there is no need to panic which causes long lines of motorized vehicles at each gas station.

He said that his party had also been patrolling retailers who took advantage of the situation to sell fuel at high prices.

On that occasion he also appealed to all local residents not to take advantage of this situation to sell fuel at unreasonable prices and do hoarding.

"We have secured 21 retailers who sell fuel at unreasonable prices. We continue to carry out patrols and hope that people will not sell fuel at unreasonable prices in a situation like this," he said.

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