JAKARTA - The police have investigated the crime scene (TKP) for the deadly accident of Vanessa Angel and her husband, Bibi Ardiansyah. The results of the TKP which became the subject of the case did not find any signs of the car braking during the accident.

"There was no braking at the crime scene," said East Java Police Traffic Director Kombes Latif Usman to VOI, Monday, November 8.

With no braking, said Latif, it would strengthen if the car driven by Tubagus Joddy was traveling at high speed during the accident.

In fact, in an accident the Pajero Sport car that Vanessa was traveling in hit the end of the concrete barrier. Thus, the car was badly damaged.

"Yes, it hit the end of the road divider," Latif said. Previously, Head of Traffic Police of Jombang AKP Rudi Hartono stated that he had raised the status of the case of the fatal accident that took the lives of Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah to the level of investigation.

"We have raised this process to an investigation," said Rudi.

In fact, today's police will conduct a case. So, it is just a matter of time to determine who the suspect in the deadly accident is.

"Yes, today is the case," said Rudi.

Vanessa Angel and her family had an accident on the Jombang-Mojokerto toll road, East Java. The car he was traveling in hit the road divider on the left.

As a result of the accident, Vanessa Angel and her husband, Aunt Ardiansyah, died. Meanwhile, Vanessa's child who is still a toddler, a nurse and driver named Tubagus Joddy survived death.

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