JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo is now in good health after fainting during a visit to the Solo Palace, Central Java on Saturday, November 6.

"The Deputy Minister is in good health," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno when opening the Weekly Press Briefing which was broadcast on the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism's YouTube, Monday, November 8.

Sandiaga explained that at this time, Angela had returned to carrying out her activities as deputy minister. "It is full of activities," said the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

In a circulating video, Angela fainted while attending the launching of the cultural attraction of the palace soldiers at Kori Kamandungan Keraton Solo.

When he fainted, the body of the Wamenparekraf was 'detained' by Pengangeng Parentah of the Solo Palace, KGPH Dipokusumo, who was standing next to him so he didn't hit the floor right away. After the incident, Angela was then given first aid.

Before visiting the Solo Palace, Angela had visited the Indonesian Atsiri House in Karanganyar Regency. There, he monitors lodging facilities to industrial houses of essential oils or therapies produced from the area.

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