Makassar—The public has high hopes for General National Armed Force (TNI) Andika Perkasa who was appointed Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces by Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives. Deputy Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Amiruddin expects Andika to support the investigation and investigation of cases of gross human rights violations.

"The new TNI commander needs to show support for efforts to investigate and investigate events that are suspected of violating gross human rights," said Amiruddin based on a written statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, November 6.

Previously, he also hoped that Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) could conduct an in-depth investigation with General Andika to ask for his commitment in resolving the armed conflict in Papua.

"Commission I of the DPR-RI when conducting an in-depth investigation of the new TNI Commander candidate needs to ask for confirmation from the Commander-in-Chief candidate so that there is a commitment to resolve the armed conflict in Papua without causing problems of human rights violations," explained Amiruddin.

This hope is based on the current situation in Papua, which is heating up due to frequent open gun battles between security forces and armed groups. Furthermore, it is also hoped that there will be a deadline for resolving the case from the candidate for the TNI Commander so that the conflict does not continue in Papua.

Officially sworn in as Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces

TNI General Andika Perkasa has been approved as TNI Commander replacing TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto by Commission I of the DPR after the fit and proper test was carried out for approximately 3 hours at the DPR Building, Senayan, Saturday, November 6.

Chairperson of Commission I DPRI RI Meutya Hafid conveyed the approval in a public hearing meeting (RDPU). Approval was obtained based on the conclusions of the internal meeting of Commission I DPR RI after listening to the presentation of the vision and mission of the candidate for the TNI Commander and the views of the factions in Commission I.

In the RDPU, General TNI Andika Perkasa also expressed his gratitude for the decision. "I thank all of you, ladies and gentlemen," Andika said.

This article previously appeared on VOI, Time to Revolutionize News!

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