JAKARTA – The accident experienced by artists Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah, along with their families, has become a common concern, especially for car users. Although the car driven by the victim looks excellent, even has new technology, there are other factors that must be supported in order to avoid accidents while driving.

"Safe driving is not just about making sure the vehicle and driver are in top condition, but there are fundamental things that must be considered when driving so as not to pose a risk. Both for themselves and other drivers, namely understanding and obeying traffic rules," said the Head of Communication and Astra Insurance Customer Service Management, L. Iwan Pranoto, quoting Antara, Friday 5 November.

In this regard, there are five things that should be noted for the public to be more introspective when they make the decision to cross this paid freeway.

1. Understand the selected lane Drivers should already know the basic rules on the road according to the speed of the vehicle they are driving. As is known, the right lane is for vehicles that move faster or are intended to overtake.

While the lane on the left is for vehicles that have slower speeds or are classified as large vehicles such as buses and trucks.

In addition, there is a shoulder of the road outside the three main lanes, its function is used only for vehicles that are in an emergency, such as an ambulance.

2. Pay attention to the speed limit. Drivers also cannot arbitrarily drive their vehicles on the toll road, even though it looks empty and not so crowded, they are required to obey the speed limit that has been determined.

The speed limit has also been regulated in Government Regulation Number 79 of 2013 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation Network (LLAJ) article 23 paragraph 4, the speed limit on toll roads is 60 to 100 kilometers per hour, in accordance with traffic signs installed on the side of the road. toll.

3. Pay attention to the distance from surrounding vehicles. When driving on toll roads, motorists are required to set a distance from other drivers. Because, in the toll road, it is no longer necessary to calculate the distance, but the distance has been determined by a fraction of a second.

Many accidents are also because they do not really understand the importance of keeping a distance from the vehicle in front of them.

The easiest way to calculate a safe distance is to use a three-second count technique by determining the static object that the vehicle in front of you is passing through.

"This three-second calculation is the result of the calculation of the human reaction time when seeing a condition until taking action takes approximately two seconds and also the mechanical reaction time which takes approximately one second," said Iwan Pranoto.

4. Make sure the car's performance is in top condition In addition to the rules applied on toll roads, in fact there are other factors that must be considered, namely ensuring the car's performance is in good and normal condition.

Make sure the car's fuel is filled within safe limits, check brakes, turn signals, horns, to tire pressure and wipers that help drivers during the rainy season like today.

5. Driver's condition is in excellent condition

Another important thing when driving is that the driver must be in top condition, not sleepy, not under the influence of alcohol, and must focus. In addition, use a seat belt so that the driver can stay safe when things go wrong.

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