MAKASSAR - The COVID-19 Crowd Decomposition Task Force Team in Makassar, South Sulawesi, closed and sealed the Barcode Night Entertainment (THM) on Jalan Amangappa. The barcode several times violated the health protocol according to the PPKM Circular and the Makassar Mayor's Regulation.

"In accordance with existing regulations, the Barcode closure and sealing are hereby carried out. The suspect is the business owner on behalf of Nilmar Umar," said Head of the Regional Regulation Enforcement Section, PNS Investigator from the Makassar Satpol PP, Muh Muflih, when reading the decision on the THM sealing report, quoted from the statement. Between, Thursday, November 4th.

For this reason, the closure and sealing of THM Barcodes, he said, will be indefinitely unless they meet the requirements and undergo sanctions that have been determined by the Makassar City Government.

The acting Head of the Makassar Satpol PP, Muh Iqbal Asnan, on that occasion revealed, THM Barcode had indeed been found to have violated the COVID-19 PPKM Health Protocol rules.

Therefore, decisive steps were taken, namely the closure and sealing of the business as a deterrent effect due to repeated violations and lessons for similar businesses to be more obedient to health protocols.

"They are often found violating the rules starting when operating hours exceed the limit and visitors are not restricted, so we seal and temporarily close the business. The permit has also expired," he said.

Separately, the Acting Head of the Makassar Investment Service and One Stop Integrated Services, Zulkifli Nanda, revealed that the THM Barcode business license was known to have expired, after coordinating with the Makassar Trade Office.

"The result of the coordination meeting is that the permit period has expired and deserves to be closed. If you want to resume your activities, you must apply for a new permit. By the rules, you cannot allow business activities to run," he said.

The permit revocation process was not carried out because the business license had expired. So that the closing and sealing steps carried out by Satpol PP are appropriate.

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