PELALAWAN - Residents reported the appearance of three bears roaming around the settlement and damaging two houses in Bukit Kesuma Village, Pangkalan Kuras Pelalawan, Riau.
"The three bears are two adults and the other is a cub that appeared at the coordinates of -0.036462, 101.838329. When the team arrived, the team found one of the bear's nests in a tree behind a resident's house," said Acting Head of the Riau BKSDA, Fifin Arfiana Jogasara. in Pekanbaru quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 4.
According to Fifin, residents of Bukit Kesuma Village, Pangkalan Kuras Pelalawan reported the appearance of a bear. The SKW I team, BidWil I BBKSDA Riau, on Wednesday, November 3, immediately went to the location.
Based on the results of the team's inspection, it was found that there was damage in the kitchen of the residents who were said to have appeared at around 01.00 WIB.
"To our officers, residents reported that the bear was trying to open the kitchen wall, because there was honey and beehives," said Fifin.
According to the residents and the village head, up to now there have been two residents who reported their house was almost invaded by a bear.
"Besides destroying houses, the bears also dismantle the chicken coops belonging to residents," said Fifin.
After conducting a series of gathering information, the community said that the bear's appearance had been observed for about a week.
"Besides looking for honey, bears are also reported to have been walking around the settlements for about a week and eating chickens belonging to residents in the cages," he said.
Because it is a protected animal, the team that participated in conducting socialization to the local community so as not to commit acts of violence against bears.
The team that came down also gave tips on avoiding conflicts with bears, by lighting bonfires or other lighting in places where bears usually visit and maintaining coordination with the Riau BKSDA.
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