ACEH - A total of two villages in Simeulue Regency, Aceh Province were awarded a buffalo each because the COVID-19 vaccination reached 100 percent.

Simeulue Police Chief AKBP Pandji Santoso, who gave the buffalo the prize, said the two villages were Babussalam, Teluk Dalam District and Lhok Dalam, Alafan District.

"We appreciate the two villages and awarded them in the form of two buffaloes. This prize was given because the achievement of the COVID-19 vaccine vaccination in the two villages reached 100 percent, the first in Simeulue Regency," he said in Simeulue, Antara, Wednesday, November 3.

He said the achievement of the COVID-19 vaccination, 100 percent, was an extraordinary achievement for the local community. Although Simeulue Regency is far from the mainland of Aceh Province, community participation in participating in vaccination is very high.

"This is an extraordinary achievement. We should give our appreciation. Moreover, these two villages have the fastest vaccination achievement in Simeulue Regency," said Pandji Santoso

He said this achievement was due to the cooperation and cooperation of all parties in the COVID-19 vaccination activity for the people in the island district in the Indian Ocean.

In addition, he said, the mass media also played a role in creating a cool and harmonious atmosphere in achieving 100 percent of the vaccination.

"This achievement is thanks to the cooperation of all parties. We also encourage other villages in Simeulue Regency to accelerate the achievement of vaccinations, so that the COVID-19 pandemic can be ended," said Police Chief Pandji Santoso.

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