WONOGIRI - The old mode of fraud by doubling the money back claimed victims. This time it happened in the jurisdiction of the Wonogiri Police with the victim initials YH, a resident of Lubuk Baja, Batam City.

Unmitigated, the cuan YH embezzled by the two suspects, Warno alias Heri (33), a resident of Kadipiro Banjarsari Solo and Kemis alias Wali (43), a resident of Beruk Village, Jatiyoso Karanganyar District, reached Rp. 100 million.

Wonogiri Police Chief AKBP Dydit Dwi Susanto said the case occurred at a hotel in the Wonogiri area, Tuesday, October 26 at around 08.00 WIB. The two suspects are being questioned by police investigators.

"The two perpetrators were arrested at their homes last Wednesday and Thursday," said the Chief of Police, Dydit when releasing the case at the Wonogori Police Headquarters, Antara, Wednesday, November 3.

The fraud case began when the victim and her friend went to a hotel in Wonogiri, on Monday, October 25 with the aim of doubling the amount of Rp. 100 million. The victim was then invited by his friend to pick up the perpetrator, the Guardian, who claimed to be able to double the money.

The victim then gave Rp100 million to the guardian which was placed in a plastic bag. During the process of doubling the money, the victim is prohibited from opening the plastic bag.

The duplicated money is then handed over to the victim. And, it should only be opened while in the bank. The reporter then goes directly to Bank BCA to deposit the duplicated money.

How surprised YH was that the contents of the plastic bag were only red HVS paper and Rp400 thousand in original money.

"On the incident, the reporter immediately reported the incident to the police for investigation," said the Police Chief.

The police also managed to confiscate a number of evidences in the form of Rp. 400 thousand in cash and pieces of red HVS work from the victim. From suspect Warno, a cellphone, Rp 23 million in cash, and suspect Kemis alias Wali a cellphone and Rp 22.35 million in tuna money.

The two suspects were charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code and 272 of the Criminal Code, concerning the Crime of Fraud and Embezzlement, with a maximum penalty of four years in prison.

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