EMPAT LAWANG - The family who cultivates a 1.5 hectare cannabis plant in Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra, has the status of a suspect and faces up to 12 years in prison.

The Deputy Chief of the Empat Lawang District Police, Kompol Hendri, said the two suspects were subject to Articles 111 and 114 of Law Number 35 of 2009.

The two are HS (37) and BT (17) as father and son of residents of Karang Gede Village, Sikam Dalam District, Empat Lawang Regency.

According to him, the arrest of the suspect started from information from the public who said that there were activities for cultivating marijuana plants planted among coffee plantations in the Talang Cugug Menanti hills area, Ulu Musi District.

From this information, the officers investigated and managed to obtain the location and the identity of the suspect.

On Friday, October 29, the joint criminal and drug investigation team went to the location and found the two suspects on the field.

Among the coffee plants the team found as many as 200 marijuana stalks estimated to be two months old. In addition, there are also 12 other seeds that are still in the planting medium.

The suspect and the evidence of the cannabis plant were brought to the Police Headquarters for further examination and finally admitted his actions.

“Previously, we had harvested the marijuana and then sold it to someone in Bengkulu for IDR 1.5 million per kilogram. We are still investigating that," he said.

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