SOLO - Police officers in Solo Raya arrested 52 perpetrators of crimes as a result of Operation Brush Jaran Candi (OSJC) 2021, which was held in seven regencies and cities in Central Java.

The Solo Raya Police from seven regencies and cities namely Surakarta, Klaten, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, and Sragen, uncovered various cases.

Surakarta City Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak said the 2021 Sikat Jaran Candi operation carried out by the Solo Raya Police arrested 52 people.

33 units of two-wheeled and one four-wheeled vehicles were also confiscated along with other evidence such as electronic goods and crime equipment.

"Police in seven ranks of the Solo Raya Police are still in the process of being investigated. As many as 52 suspects have been detained in seven Polres in Solo Raya for further investigation and investigation," said Ade Safri, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 2.

After this, said the Chief of Police, evidence of motorized vehicles was also handed over from the confiscation of the Sikat Jaran Candi operation to the victims or vehicle owners.

Several prominent incidents also occurred during the 2021 Brush Jaran Candi operation at the Solo Raya Police.

"So the article on Operation Brush Jaran Candi, which includes the target object, whether the perpetrator is the steeper case, ordinary theft or Article 362 of the Criminal Code, theft with weight or Article 363 of the Criminal Code, and theft with violence or Article 365," said the Chief of Police.

In addition, all Polres Solo Raya continue to carry out effective coordination, especially with the Resmob Unit and Sub-Directorate of Jatanras Reskrimum Polda Central Java, including activated cross-sectoral coordination.

"We are coordinating with the Central Java Police and the Resort Police regarding criminal acts that occurred because of this, they are interconnected. Because the perpetrators and the location of the incident are interconnected between the Solo Rayam Police," said the Chief of Police.

The Solo Raya Police will ensure that they continue to carry out their duties in a professional, transparent and accountable manner. The public is asked not to hesitate to report all criminal acts or potential conflicts or other crimes to the police.

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