JAKARTA - The police have decided not to detain two suspects of insulting Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) and his family. The reason is that the threat of criminal defamation is less than 5 years.

"The person concerned we do not (carry out detention) because of the threat of under 5 years," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, Thursday, July 30.

But Yusri ensures that the legal process against the two female suspects with the initials KS (67) and EJ (47) will continue. Both are also subject to compulsory reporting.

The two suspects uploaded photos and insult narrations on two Instagram accounts, namely @ ito.kurnia and the @ an7a_s679 account.

"First he (KS) juxtaposed a photo of Basuki's wife with an animal and juxtaposed with several existing sentences. That has entered into the elements of defamation," said Yusri

The insulting post also targeted other Ahok family members. Yusri said that the insult had been repeated many times.

"Some of the insults and insults there were for Pak Basuki's family and his parents with inappropriate sentences that offended the reporter," said Yusri.

In this case, the police asked the linguist's opinion. As a result of the case title, the investigator determined both of them as suspects with criminal charges of Article 27 paragraph 3 and Article 45 paragraph 3 of Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE).

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