MEDAN - As many as 20 male prospective illegal migrant workers were detained by officers of the Bagan Asahan Post in Pematang Sei Baru Village, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra. They were abandoned by a man with the initials S.

Head of Bagan Asahan Post, Aiptu Muksin said their whereabouts were first known based on reports from the public.

"Reports from the residents of Sungai Baru, Monday, November 1, afternoon. It was found by the community, they were abandoned planning to go to Malaysia but were abandoned by S, Tekong ship," said Aiptu Muksin in his statement, Tuesday, November 2.

The prospective illegal migrant workers are not residents of North Sumatra. They come from Banten and some areas in Java.

"The plan is for them to be dispatched to Malaysia. Some are from Banten, some are from Java," explained Aiptu Muksin.

For the time being, the prospective illegal migrant workers were also secured to the Bagan Asahan Post while waiting for their next fate.

"For now, I'm securing it at the Asahan Bagan Post," he said.

In addition, officers have also checked the luggage of the 20 men. The inspection was carried out to prevent drug smuggling.

A prospective illegal migrant worker, Madi revealed that he was asked for money for his departure fee of Rp. 9 million.

"It was time to pay four and a half million IDR 4.5 million in the village. The promise was IDR 9 million to Malaysia," he explained.

They were escorted by ship to the middle of the sea. However, the ship that was going to take them to Malaysia never came to pick them up.

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