JAKARTA - The residents of Tasikmalaya City were stirred up by the tearing of the Holy Quran. The tearing action was discovered through videos that went viral on social media, which showed sheets of the Koran scattered on the streets.
Responding to this, the West Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi immediately intervened and looked for the perpetrators of tearing the Quran in Tasikmalaya. "Secured during the day, what is clear is that this case has been revealed. The culprit we will handle," said Rudi, when confirmed.
He explained that the perpetrator was named Erwin bin Tarya Sucipto (33). It is known that the perpetrator took the Al Quran from a mosque and brought it back to his place of residence.
Rudy said that the perpetrator ripped the middle of the Qur'an into pieces. It was meant to transfer or rewrite the scriptures onto paper.
"Because the perpetrator was tired of writing, then the sheets were taken, folded and torn. The pieces were removed by throwing them up around the crime scene," said Rudy.
The perpetrator is currently still undergoing investigation at the Tasikmalaya Police. So far, the police have charged the perpetrator with Article 156 letter H of the Criminal Code.

Perpetrators Suffer from Psychiatric Disorders
After Erwin's arrest, information emerged that the perpetrator was suffering from a mental illness. The family said the disease had been suffered a dozen years ago.
The man named Ari Mustari, who is the perpetrator's brother-in-law, said the cause of Erwin's mental disorder was depression after his wife left him. In fact, it was exacerbated by the death of the perpetrator's parents not long after the departure of his idol woman.
"He has been suffering from mental disorders for a long time, starting in 2008. After his wife went to Riau, his parents died," said Ari Mustari.
With this condition, it is said that the perpetrator's family did not provide maximum treatment for Erwin. The main reason, economic limitations.
"It has never been treated. Because there is no cost," said Ari.
Responding to the matter of mental illness suffered by the perpetrator, the police could not comment further on this matter. Because, Erwin himself is still undergoing an intensive examination related to the case that caught him.
In addition, to determine whether the perpetrator is indeed suffering from a mental illness, it must wait for the results of observations from a team of doctors. Meanwhile, the case that ensnared him is still ongoing and investigators are suspecting it with Article 156 of the Criminal Code.
"It depends on the results of the doctor's examination. Will there be guidance, hospital admission or something," said West Java Police Chief Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi.
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