DPR Waits For SE To Abolish PCR For Airplane Passengers
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JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, said the policy of removing the PCR test requirement for passengers on an important plane was appreciated. Because according to him, the policy proves that the government listens to the aspirations and inputs of the community.

In fact, Saleh said, the policy also proves that the government has no business interest in implementing PCR obligations.

"There are many benefits that can be obtained from the abolition of the policy. It is hoped that the policy can also increase the number of aircraft passengers. That way, the aviation industry can still survive in the midst of the current pandemic wave," Saleh told reporters, Tuesday, November 2. Even so, Saleh said his party was waiting for a circular regarding the abolition of the PCR obligation. Because, he said, until now the rule has not been implemented.

In fact, officials at the airport have not been able to implement the policy before the written rules are made. It is known, Ngurah Rai Airport is still applying PCR test results for passengers who will travel. "The regulation has not been effective. There are some friends who say that the circular has not yet been issued. So, today the PCR is still the same as before," said Saleh.

"This must be rushed. Which ministry wants to issue the regulations? Ministry of Transportation? Ministry of Health? Or Ministry of Home Affairs? It's up to you. Whichever is OK. The important thing is that it can be implemented immediately. People are waiting," continued the North Sumatran legislator.

In line with the policy, the chairman of the PAN faction in the DPR asked the government to also provide a place for antigen testing at the airport. As well as places of departure for passengers by land.

According to him, antigen tests will certainly be increasingly needed. Therefore, staff and laboratories that carry out antigen testing must also be increased. "In addition, the price of this antigen must also be determined. Do not let the price increase later. The consequences of switching PCR to antigen, could have an impact on price increases. This is what the government must anticipate," said Saleh.

It is known, the Government has officially announced the abolition of the mandatory PCR test requirements for flight or air transportation travellers. Thus, the results of the rapid antigen test are again valid as a condition of travel. This was announced by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy. PCR test, but it is enough to use an antigen test. The same as what has been applied for areas outside Java, non-Bali," said Muhadjir in a virtual press conference, Monday, November 1.

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