JAKARTA - As a continuation of Anak Metro which was released early last month, Radikalideologi (RDLG) released their second single titled Udah Lama Ngga Ayok which will be plugged into their debut album Positivist. The song with the theme of hanging out is depicted with fun and cheerful music.

Apart from being in audio form, Udah Lama Ngga Ayok will also be presented visually through a video clip which will soon be released on the RDLG YouTube channel.

The term 'it's been a long time, don't come' is an expression that is often used by young people in the capital when they invite them to gather, do old habits for fun.

Armando (vocals) wrote this song with Gethzamani (drums) in 2015, long before he joined RDLG. This song is inspired when hanging out with friends who haven't seen each other for a long time. Stories emerge from all the friends, become laughed at and even insulted, but still bring joy to a group of people.

"Around 2015, I was gathering with my friends at an iftar together. Because of the excitement of the chat and jokes at that time, I felt that I needed to record my friends' conversations via voice notes. A few days later, I listened to this recording to Gethza and I got the idea to immortalize these people's voice recordings into a song. After entering the instruments and lyrics, this song will become, ”explained Armando in a written statement received by the editorial desk.

Udah Lama Ngga Ayok found its final form in 2019. After going through several processes, this song was finally recorded with RDLG-style guitar, drums and bass playing. In the recording process, they collaborated with Firas Raditya, Haryo Widi, Wisnu Ikhsantama Wicaksana and Pandji Dharma to perfect the output of this song.

Unintentionally, Udah Lama Nidak Ayok also became a big hope, as well as a prayer for all of us to come back together as before, without limiting distance.

"This feeling fits in well with the current conditions in Pagebluk, we positively hope that soon we can all return to our normal activities and arrive at the time we can say," Come on, it's been a while, "Armando added.

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