JAKARTA - Mohamad Kautsar or who is familiarly called Uki submitted his resignation from the NOAH band in August 2019. Having disappeared after moving, Uki turned out to change the course of his life. Now Uki is back with a new look that follows the Sunnah of Rosul, namely to lengthen his beard.

Apart from the entertainment industry, Uki's creativity in living his life is now expanding and developing. He is now more devoted to social activities. Among other things, by initiating the "Uki Kautsar Free Restaurant" movement and opening donations to share.

This activity is a form of Uki's concern for others to help each other if someone is in need. Especially when this is the month of Ramadan, the month is right for charity.

While hoarding charities and merits, Uki is now also making a lot of use of his daily activities to develop his Muslim clothing business, which he started, called "Emka Clothing".

The business that Uki has been engaged in since leaving Noah is a promising business. If you look at the opportunities and market for the majority of Indonesians who are predominantly Muslim, it is certainly not a difficult thing to market it.

In addition to selling their products offline and participating in exhibitions, Uki also sells "Emka Clothing" products through online shops or webstores. For this matter, Uki uses services from sakoo.id, an application based on a website, which provides integrated digital store management solutions on one platform.

According to Uki Sakoo, its function is to help business people who have many online stores in various marketplaces to be able to easily manage their online stores. Like Emka Clothing itself, which has operated online stores in several marketplaces such as Tokopedia and Shopee. Uki then used Sakoo to integrate the two marketplace stores, so that the management became one unit through one platform only.

"Yes, currently I try to spend more time with worship and social activities. Apart from that, I am also busy with the clothing business I have built. I am currently focusing on developing a wider market by managing my sales in various marketplaces through sakoo.id . So the time I need is more efficient, "said Uki when contacted

Uki ex NOAH hopes that in this blessed month of Ramadan, he can also inspire, especially young people, to continue working, even though they are in the midst of limitations, by seeing new opportunities that are in front of their eyes. "Don't be afraid to start something new. Starting from small things if you practice it, God willing, it will be great and a blessing," he said.

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