JAKARTA - The move of the DAY6 3rd World Tour
Big disappointment can be seen from the many criticisms of PT Melania Citra Permata or Mecimapro as a local promoter who brought the pop-rock band under the JYP Entertainment agency.
The initial location (venue) with a newly appointed one is considered not in accordance with what was heralded during the initial promotion. The reason is, the upcoming performance is referred to as DAY6's first stadium concert in Indonesia. But in reality, the show switched to multifunctional fields, which were recently used to hold the Indonesian national team training.
This show is considered to have experienced a very far decline in quality, from JIS as an international standard soccer stadium with its roof covered moving to open fields with low stands only on two sides.
"At this point, I'm more willing to just cancel the concert... there are no sparks either... the money can be saved or to survive with the family... why is it so bad," wrote the X account @cubitski, quoted on Sunday, March 23.
Due to changes in venues, the promoter has also announced a new seat plan, which makes the commotion even greater. The reason is, those who buy tickets for the show at JIS get unwanted positions when moving to the Madya Stadium.
Regarding the disappointment due to changes in the seat plan, the @switjchaos account even shared other account statements.
"Promotor changes venues and seatplans unilaterally. This decision has an impact on many aspects, including the experience of watching and financial losses," he said.
It didn't stop there, those who claimed to have bought tickets became very disappointed because the promoter did not provide a refund option.
"If a refund option is made, I think I just want to refund, it's okay not to watch Day6 this year, as long as the promoter is still they I want to be sincere," wrote the account @between6day.
For information, VOI tried to contact several social media accounts claiming to be ticket buyers, but no one was willing to give a confession. Likewise with Mecimapro, no reply was given to an official social media account.
Meanwhile, the promoter, through a statement on Instagram, said that the change in venue was based on JIS' decision to support the match between Liga 1 Indonesia, Persija Jakarta vs Semen Padang match.
"This decision was taken after considerations and discussions between us as the organizer and the management of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) venue to accommodate and support football matches that will take place at JIS on April 27, 2025, in accordance with the direction of the DKI Jakarta local government," he said.
"We want to inform you that there are changes to the seating plan to adjust to the new location layout. This adjustment has been carefully considered by taking into account the layout of the previous location," he continued.
At the same time, the promoter also uploaded an official statement from PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) as the manager of JIS. It was stated that the schedule for the Persija Jakarta vs Semen Padang match was between the logistics loading period.
"We really understand that the concert preparation process (loading) takes quite a long time, from April 24 to May 2, 2025. Meanwhile, based on the official schedule for the Indonesian League 1 competition, the Persija Jakarta vs Semen Padang FC match will take place on April 27, 2025," said Perseroda.
"By considering the operational standards needed for football matches and concert preparations, it is necessary to adjust the schedule so that both events can run optimally without reducing the best quality and experience for all parties," he added.
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