JAKARTA - The Java Festival Production has announced a complete list of special shows for the Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz Festival 2025 (JJF 2025) which will be held for three days at JIExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on May 30 - June 1.
Previously, Jacob Collier was announced as a performer for a special show. The multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer from England will appear on the first day of Friday.
Collier is known for its high musicality and works that break the genre. He became famous for his distinctive musical style, by combining jazz, detail, classic, electronics, and mainstream genres.
To add to the vibrant 20th anniversary of JJF 2025, the organizers have also announced two other names for the special show, namely Tunde Baiyewu and Raye.
Born in the British capital, London to a family of nigerian descent, Tunde became known when he became the vocalist of Lighthouse Family and later had a solo career. He will appear on the second day on Saturday to liven up his favorite songs from Lighthouse Family.
Similar to Collier and Tunde, Raye is also from England. He is known for his music that combines R&B, pop, and soul. The 27-year-old singer will appear on the third day of special show on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Dewi Gontha as President Director of the Java Festival Production said that JJF 2025 as the 20th edition will present a row of diverse line-ups, from those who were once part of JJF to new talents.
"This festival will welcome the artists who have played an important role in our history, as well as introduce new talents that will also bring new energy to the music world," Dewi said at a press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, March 19.
Some of the foreign performers who have been announced as line-up this year are Snarky Puppy, Lettuce, TheTEN Wonder Celebration, Jose Miguel, Jeff Lorber, BPM (Brian Bromberg, Paul Brown, Michael Paulo), Tony Monaco, Kamasi Washington, Brian Simpson, Jesus Molina, Shakakak, and Yun Seok Cheol Trio.
Meanwhile, domestic performers include Endah N Rhesa Extended, Nyoman Paul, Rahmania Astrini, Rieka Roslan & Nada Dara, Rizky Febian, Rony Parulian, 80 Wijaya, Jordan Susanto, Nonaria x Horns Big Band, Aib Show, Syahravi, and The Lantis.
It doesn't stop there, the organizers will announce dozens of other names in the near future.
Meanwhile, JJF 2025 tickets can be owned through the official Java Jazz Festival website. Daily Pass tickets are sold at a price of IDR 875,000 and 3 Days Pass at a price of IDR 2,100,000.
Meanwhile, special shows for Jacob Collier are available at a price of IDR 350,000, for Tunde at a price of IDR 275.00p and Raye at a price of IDR 545,000.
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