JAKARTA - The Japanese RnB idol group XG successfully held concerts at Osaka-Jo Hall on March 15 and 16 as part of the XG 1st WORLD TOUR 'The FIRST HOW'!.

At the show on March 15, MAYA and COCONA captivated the audience with the performance of SHOW YOU CAN', the song produced by Czaer and JAKOPS, which was originally featured on the 2023 Korean compilation album Street Woman Fighter 2 (SWF2) Crew Songs marked their tour debut in front of fans in Osaka.

In a surprise announcement at the end of the show, XG revealed that their latest single MILLION PLACES will be released on May 14, coinciding with the end of their tour at Tokyo Dome!

Available in the CD BOX and digital format, the MILLION PLACES summarizes the band's global journey, celebrating unforgettable moments shared with fans along their journey.

Inspired by the love and energy encountered across cultures and borders, the song serves as a heart-cleasing mode for connections, surpassing distance and nationality. With the closer the performance in Tokyo Dome, anticipation is increasing for an emotional and impactful performance where XG will deliver a message of unity.

After launching their first world tour in Japan in May, covering 47 shows in 35 cities, XG continued to expand their international presence with the upcoming dismissal in China (Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu) in March and Latin America (Sao Paulo, Mexico City) in April, which underscores their growing global appeal.

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