JAKARTA - Sugar became the closing song of the Maroon 5 concert on Saturday 1 February at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), North Jakarta.

The variety of colors of Confedient paper blended on stage, as if dancing with the vocalist, Adam Levine. While carrying and playing guitar, Adam Levine, who was shirtless, walked along the stage, from behind Adam stepped into the tongue of the stage, greeting thousands of their fans who were willing to come to the concert area from noon to evening to witness the appearance of the pop rock band from Los Angeles, California, United States.

Like the title of the song performed, all the performances of the band led by Adam Levine (vocals), Jesse total (guitar-Kibord), James Valentine (guitar), Matt Flynn (drums), PJ ORIGIN (keybord), and Sam Farrar (bass) feel sweet.

Red red, yellow, bias radiated from lights covered in thick smoke in the middle of the stage, creating a silhouette of Maroon 5 personnel who began playing the song Animals as the opening of their concert in Indonesia. At exactly 20.30 WIB, Adam Levine appeared singing in the middle of the stage. The audience's hysterical factory immediately resonated in the area while the congregation lit and raised their device to capture the action of their idol band.

Without a break, the song One More Night and This Love immediately hit the stage again. Making the audience's euphoria again volatile while shaking according to the musical rhythm performed by Adam Levine and his friends. Maroon 5 held their concert in Jakarta in the context of the Asia 2025 tour they are currently running. Produced by Live Nation, TEM Presents, and PK Entertainment this 5-time concert is like a quencher of the thirst for their fans in Indonesia for almost 13 years. After the band from America appeared for the first time in Jakarta in 2012.

"It's great to be back in Jakarta, We love you all!" said Adam Levine from the stage.

In the midst of his appearance, Adam Levine also did not forget to greet his fans with a warm feeling. Through his crunchy smile, he invited the audience to give him a big hug for himself and all the personnel of their band.

"It's nice to have a number of you tonight, can I ask for a big hug? In the third count, give me and the band a hug!" said Adam Levine.

Suddenly the fans shouted and smiled happily while lifting their hands in the air, as if they were really hugging their idols up close.

After Sunday Morning, Payphone, What Lovers Do was performed. Adam Levine immediately sang the song Makes Me Wonder. It was in the middle of this song that Adam took off his white shirt, and was shirtless until the end of the concert. The female audience was again hysterical when they saw tattoos all over Adam's glowing body, because his sweat was caught in the spotlight of the stage lights.

The atmosphere in the Jakarta International Stadium is conducive when the sea of light from thousands of gadgets is lit when Adam Levine invites his devotees to sing together to perform the song Memories.

"We sing with the song Memories. Everyone has their own reasons to sing this song," he said.

This moment became one of the most memorable at the Maroon 5 concert that night, where their fans felt so close to their idols.

Without further ado, the audience's emotions were raised again when Don't Wanna Know, Lovemen, and Moves Like Jagger were performed. The romantic atmosphere has changed again with the roar of the fans screaming as they sway and sing together.

A total of 20 songs were performed by the Maroon 5 band to satisfy their fans in Indonesia who were willing to come from several provinces in the country.

At the end of the concert, after the song Sugar was sung, Adam Levine stood in the middle of the stage throwing his smile, and waved to the fans. The vocalist spread the words of love as sweet farewells.

"Thank you very much Jakarta, we love you all!" he concluded.

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