JAKARTA - Maliq & D Essentials (MAD) is one of the Indonesian bands in the formation of brothers and sisters. Yes, Angga Puradiredja (vocals) is the older brother of Widi Puradiredja (drums). Both are initial personnel who have remained until now.
For Angga, being in a band with his own sister is something special.
"I'm happy and secure (can be in the same band with Widi)," Angga told the media crew in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta some time ago.
"And the discussion, although I don't really like Widi too often, at a crucial moment, our discussion is quite deep. So, indeed the survival of our mode is like that," he continued.
Angga didn't even imagine being able to continue with Widi for 23 years, with the various joys and sorrows that MAD had.
"And it's proven, we didn't expect it, yes, it's been 23 years together, it means we did something right there. Maybe there are also prayers from parents, for us to always be close and always get along," said the 44-year-old musician.
The difference of opinion between brothers and sisters is commonplace, but Angga admits that he has never been involved in a big argument with Widi.
"Because from a young age, we and our parents were always said, 'You two have to get along. You both have to be kicked out, so it doesn't depend on other people.' Well, maybe it has entered the realm of our unconscious nature,' said Angga.
"So, when there is a problem, we try to always think, definitely what we do or what he does is the best for both of us. So, we keep going," he said.
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