JAKARTA - Sad news has again spread from the music industry. The singer who graduated from The Voice in the United States, Ryan Whyte Maloney was found dead on January 28.

Ryan passed away at the age of 44. People reported that the singer fromtenche City, Michigan ended her own life.

Czech findings reveal Ryan died with a gunshot wound to the head. The reason he did this reckless thing so far is not yet known.

Ryan Whyte started stealing attention since joining The Voice in 2014. He was trained by senior singer, Blake Shelton. He even managed to enter the top five despite failing to become a champion.

Besides being known as the country's music genre, Ryan is also a multi-instrumentalist. He can play with several musical instruments such as drums, guitars,guides and violins.

For several years he has also joined the progressive rock band, Idulge. After that he started solo careers by releasing the album Where I've Been. Several country songs he made were well received on the radios of the United States.

Some time ago on his birthday, Ryan Whyte wrote the stories behind his struggle in The Voice. There he revealed the financial challenges to his vocal condition which had been disrupted.

The singer even uploaded a meme on his Instagram account on January 27. Fans did not expect him to end his life shortly after uploading his last post.

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