YOGYAKARTA Satur is one of the other hits belonging to SZA, a R&B singer from the United States. The meaning of SZA's Saturn song tells about dissatisfaction with everything that happens in life.

SZA released the song Saturn on February 22, 2024 in several versions, namely live, speed up, acapella, and instrumental. This song received a warm welcome from music lovers and had occupied the 6th position of Billboard 100 in less than two weeks.

This song has received positive attention from many people because its meaning is very related to life. In addition, the lyrics are also made with music that is easy listening

In general, SZA's Saturn song tells the story of someone who is in the quarter phase of life crisis. He feels his life is very boring and meaningless.

In addition to describing the loss of love, the meaning of the SZA Saturn song also tells how someone's frustration in life is. In fact, he even questioned heaven and hell.

In the lyrics: 'Sick if this head of mine. Intrusive thoughts, the paralyze (It breaks with my head. A disturbing thought, they paralyzed), SZA seemed to want to convey how difficult it was to fight against his own thoughts.

Everything that revolves around the mind is very disturbing, crippling, making it unable to walk forward.

I Spin around Saturn, I can't break this pattern, of floating away (I'm spinning around Saturn, I can't stop this Mining pattern). The etching of these lyrics depicts someone who feels stagnant. He can't move from his comfort zone. It just rotates around there without trying to move on.

Through this again, SZA continues to ask questions about good and bad. If karma does exist, he should no longer be in a comfortable place. This seems unfair to people he has hurt. However, if he is good, he never gets a reward. Good and bad is the same. so he will only do everything he can.

The following are the lyrics and translations of SZA's Saturn song:

If there's another universe

If there is another universe

Please make some noise (oh)

Please make a fuss

Give me a sign (sign)

Give me a sign

This can't be life

This can't be alive

If there's a point to loss love

If there is a point of loss of love

Repeating pain, it's all the same (oh, oh)

Repeating pain, everything is the same

I hate this place

I hate this place

Stuck in this paradigm

Stuck in this paradigm

Don't believe in paradise

Not believing in heaven

This must be what hell is like

"Obviously hell feels like this"

There's got to be more, got to be more

There must be more, there are more things

Sick of this head of mine

"I'm sick of my head"

Intrusive thoughts, they paralyze

Perturbative thinking, they paralyze

Nirvana's not as advertised

Nirwana is not like the advertised one

There's got to be more, be here before

"There must be more, I've been there before"

How darest you?

I spin around Saturn

I spin around Saturn

I can't break this pattern

I can't stop the pattern

Of floatin' away

This floating one

How darest you?

Find something worth saving

Find something worth saving

It's all for the taking

It's all ready to be used

I always say

I always say

I'll be better on Saturn

I'd rather be in Saturn

None of these matters

All of this is not important

Dreaming of Saturn

Dreams of Saturn

If karma's really real

If karma is really real

How am I still here?

Why am I still here?

It just seems so unfair

It feels unfair

I could be wrong, though

"I can be wrong"

If there's a point to bein good

If there is a point in being kind

Then where's my reward?

Then where is my gift?

The good die young and poor

Good people die young and are poor

I gave it all I could

I will give everything I want

Stuck in this terror dome (oh)

Trapped in this terror dome

All I see is terrible (oh)

Everything I'm looking at is scary

"More" us hysterical (oh)

Makes us hysterical

There's got to be more, got to be more

There must be more, things more

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